Could you sponsor an animal?
Some of our animals will never be able to be rehomed, whether through long-term illness, age or other various reasons...... At Wings and Paws Rescue we never give up on any animal, so these guys stay with us in foster for however long is needed!
(Hover or click on the images for details)

*We've shown the cost as a suggested donation per animal per month (unless stated otherwise), we would be delighted if you'd like to offer more than the suggested amount as every single penny makes a huge difference.
Each animal can have multiple sponsors and your name will be listed on their photo. You'll also be the first to hear any new news about your sponsored animal. Monthly donations can be paid by PayPal or Bank Transfer.
Please use the contact form below to talk to us about which furbaby
you'd like to sponsor and arrange the details.

Sponsored Pens!
We have just four dedicated cat pens at Wings and Paws Rescue, which each sick and injured cat uses while they recover... that's a LOT of cats to take care of.
These lovely people are all sponsoring our pens on a monthly basis.
We still have potential to bespoke a chicken/duck coup or guinea pig hutch if you'd like to discuss this with us!
Sponsor an available animal
house for £20 a month
Sponsored by:
Susan Beddows
Sponsored by:
Abigail 'n' lucky
for Sponsor
Sponsored by:
Donna Bradburn
Sponsored by:
Emmie Caine
Guinea Pig Hutches
Sponsored in memory of Pauline Lindfield
Ways to pay when sponsoring:

Bank Transfer:
Account Name: Wings and Paws Rescue
Sort Code: 55-70-46
Account No: 83373888

Would you like to Sponsor Us?
Each month we spend thousands of pounds looking after our animals, this includes vet bills, food, medication, bedding, and general maintenance,
Could you help?
The companies below have all helped us recently through donations of food/money!